Inelastic rovibrational transitions for species of atmospheric and astrophysical interest:

Inelastic rovibrational transitions for species of atmospheric and astrophysical interest     For the inelastic molecular collisions the Close-Coupled equations in the energy domain will be solved. Unfortunately, most of the available codes do not cover all contributions and interactions to the matrix elements –such as electronic transitions, non-adiabatic coupling, or some of the spin interaction, spinrotation we could be interested in. For this reason, we are writing our own code, in principle for simple systems such as diatomic + diatomic, taking advantage of our previous experience [1,2], in order to incorporate any new feature that the refinements in the calculation of the PES or new
experimental data could produce.

[1].-Di Domenico et al, Chem. Phys. Lett. 342, 177 (2001); b) Di Domenico et al, J. Chem. Phys. 115, 7897 (2001).

[2].-M .I. Hernández, D. C. Clary, J. Chem. Phys., 104, 8413 (1996).